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New York Times Poll Rocks Election–This Could be The Beginning…

Kamala Harris’ campaign started off with a bang. Early polls were showing her riding a wave of support, with pro-Harris numbers popping up left and right. The media jumped all over it, fawning over the Vice President as the Democratic Party’s shining star. But reality has a way of catching up, and now things are shifting fast. That early boost? It’s starting to look more like a temporary sugar high.

Things are changing. The polls aren’t as rosy anymore, and Harris’ once untouchable lead is slipping. It’s becoming clear: Americans are demanding more. They want real answers, real policies, and real leadership. And Harris? Well, she’s been slow to deliver. Now, as her support softens, the hard truth is sinking in. The American people want clarity, and they’re not getting it from her.

The brand-new New York Times/Siena College poll has a huge sample size. It shows Donald Trump with a one-point lead over Kamala Harris nationally, 48-47…

The poll shows Trump up 48-47 among likely voters. If you are looking at all registered voters — which may be more accurate because it’s hard to tell who is a likely voter and who is a not likely voter in the Trump-Harris election, because Trump brings in a lot of low-propensity voters — Trump is up two points, 46-44. [Source: Daily Wire]

Enter Donald Trump. The latest New York Times/Siena College poll shows Trump leading Harris nationally, 48-47. Yes, you read that right. Trump is up. And Democrats? They’re freaking out. Not just because of the numbers, but because of what it means for Harris’ campaign.

This isn’t just a bad poll for Harris; it’s a disaster. Her early momentum has run dry, and she’s struggling to keep up. The poll even suggests Trump has a two-point lead when looking at all registered voters. For someone who’s supposed to be the fresh face of the Democratic Party, this is a nightmare scenario.

Look closer at the numbers, and it only gets worse for Harris. Trump’s favorability is sitting at 46%, while Harris is stuck at 45%. A slim margin, sure, but it shows a trend. People know Trump. They know what he stands for, and 87% of voters say they’ve heard enough to make up their minds about him. But Harris? Only 67% feel they know her well enough to decide.

That’s a big gap. And it’s one that spells trouble for Harris as the campaign heats up. Voters are about to hear a lot more about her—especially how radical and inconsistent she’s been. Her positions are vague, and that won’t hold up when the attack ads start rolling. Voters are starting to realize she’s all flash, no substance.

The economy? Trump leads by 16%. Immigration? He’s up by 11%. These are the issues voters care about, and Harris is failing to convince them she has solutions. Worse still, 56% of voters think she represents more of the same old politics. Meanwhile, 61% say Trump is the change they’re looking for.

In a time when Americans are fed up with the status quo, that’s a big deal. Harris’ lead on abortion and democracy issues won’t save her when the economy and immigration dominate the conversation. The debate stage will be make-or-break for her, and so far, she’s avoiding the hard questions.

This poll is a wake-up call for Democrats. They thought Harris could coast on good vibes and early excitement. But now, the vibes are gone, and they’re left with a sinking ship. Trump, on the other hand, is positioned as the moderate choice—something no one saw coming.

Author: Bo Dogan

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